WOW!! It has been a long time since I posted last. I guess that is how you can tell you are a busy mom!
So what's happened?
Well, school started for my 2 little munchkins (guess I can't really call them little anymore) Caitlin is now in 5th grade and Tanner is in 3rd. I am happy with the teachers they got and the friends that are in their class.
I'm not sure where the summer went? I think I let it pass by my and didn't take enough time to sit back and enjoy it. We did do our yearly family trip to Lava Hot Springs, went to the Roy aquatic Center a few times and hung out with friends. I would have like to have done more exciting things but it's hard when Todd is gone so much.
I think I have some pictures but no promises!
I headed back to work and I LOVE my job! The people I work with are great and so much fun! You can always trust them to make you feel better if you are having a bad day. I am so very blessed to have that job and the friends that come with it!
My life is pretty good and I only see it getting better in the future!